Episode 06: Why Explore Your Family History?


Episode Description

A cattle auction in Scotland. A plot to subvert the rightful succession to the English throne. Three ancestors buried inside three ancient churches. What do these subjects have to do with Home Where You Belong Host Chip Alford? Find out as Chip shares amazing discoveries about his family’s history he made on a recent trip to the UK. You’ll also hear from Genealogist Heather Murphy, host of the Stories in Our Roots podcast, about how to harness the power of genealogy to live your best life.

View photos from Chip’s trip to the UK

Guest Bio

Genealogist, speaker, and host of the Stories in Our Roots podcast, Heather Murphy has spent over 20 years helping people learn who they are and where they come from, performing client research, and speaking around the country at events like RootsTech, the largest conference in the family history industry. Entrepreneurs and professionals work with Heather to leverage the power of their genealogy to develop greater curiosity, clarity, and courage to live their greatest potential. You can learn more by visiting her website – https://heathercmurphy.com/.

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