Episode 07: Building Real Community


Episode Description

Everyone wants to feel like they belong, especially at home and in our closest relationships. Sadly, a growing number of people report feeling lonely and disconnected. What’s the solution? Author, businesswoman, and TEDx speaker Dea Irby believes people experience real community when they are CLAIMed – Chosen, Loved, Acknowledged, Invested in, and Made for greatness.

Guest Bio

Author, businesswoman, and speaker Dea Irby has lived in more than 15 homes in five states serving churches with her pastor-husband, owning and operating a tearoom, and working as a realtor. The common thread throughout her life is building real community wherever she has lived: in her home with eight children, in their churches, and in her businesses.

You can learn more about Dea's work and access links to her books and other resources by visiting her website at https://www.deairby.com/.

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