Episode 05: Ending Homelessness


Episode Description

On any given night in America, more than half a million people experience homelessness. That includes individuals and families – adults, teenagers, and children – who have no place to call their own. No stranger to the crisis himself, Mike Smith is working tirelessly to put an end to homelessness in his community and state.

Guest Bio

Mike Smith is Executive Director of the Chattanooga Regional Homeless Coalition, which leads, coordinates, and strengthens efforts to prevent and end homelessness throughout Southeast Tennessee. Mike has extensive experience with federally funded homeless assistance programs and has been directly involved in securing over $100 million in funding that helped shape the systems of care across many communities in Tennessee over the past two decades. No stranger to the crisis, Mike was homeless himself several times as a child and young adult, a struggle that ended thanks to the grace of a stranger. That act of grace left him committed to end homelessness for all persons and he has dedicated his life to achieving that goal.

Help End Homelessness

If you would like to learn more about homelessness and what you can do to help, check out the following organizations:

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Episode 06: Why Explore Your Family History?


Episode 04: Out on a Limb (At Home in a Treehouse)