Episode 24: Creating a Home Life for Extraordinary Impact

Episode Description

Matt Barrios is on a mission: helping people create a quality home life that inspires growth, connection and extraordinary impact. Through his company, Homelife Design Lab, and a podcast he co-hosts with his wife, Lindsay, the California-based researcher, writer, and transformational coach shares research-backed insights gained from experts and everyday people around the world.

Matt Barrios, host of the podcast, Homelife for Extraordinary Impact

Guest Bio

Matt Barrios is a researcher, writer, and transformational coach based in San Francisco, CA. He has over 10 years experience helping 1000+ people grow into greater purpose and energy. Matt's research focuses on the intersection of home, personal growth, and human centered design. He and his wife, Lindsay, co-host the podcast, "Homelife for Extraordinary Impact", where they share insights on how people can create a home that is inspiring, impactful, connected and restorative. You can learn more about Matt's work at homelifedesignlab.com.


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Episode 25: A Short Break, an Update, and a Request


Episode 23: 500+ Mile Journey Reveals the True Meaning of Home