Episode 17: How to Create Peace In Your Home


Episode Description

Ever feel like your home is an emotional tinderbox ready to explode at any moment? Struggling to cope with your preschooler's over the top outbursts or a teenager's challenging behaviors? Laura Reardon understands. A sought after parenting coach and Child Behavior Specialist, Laura helps parents develop a plan to create more peace in themselves, more peace in their kids, and more peace in their home.

Child Behavior Specialist Laura Reardon

Guest Bio

Laura Reardon is a certified Child Behavior Specialist and parenting coach who helps parents of deeply feeling kids navigate emotions such as anger and anxiety towards calm and conflict resolution to create more peace in their home. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from Northeastern University and earned a certification as a Child Behavior Specialist from The Early Years. She also completed training as a Parent Coach at Happily Family, an Emotion Coach at the Gottman Institute, and Anxiety Coach at the Institute of Childhood Psychology.


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Episode 18: Building Your Dream Home: Insights from Award-Winning Architect Lance Cayko


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