Episode 11: You Can’t Feel at Home If You Don’t Feel Safe


Episode Description

Award-winning author Lizbeth Meredith knows you can’t feel at home without first feeling safe. While working as a domestic abuse survivor advocate as a single mom in her late 20s, her two young daughters were kidnapped by their father and taken out of country. The two-year plus ordeal that followed required her to find and use her own voice. Today, she inspires others with her message of perseverance and resilience.

Guest Bio

Lizbeth Meredith is an award-winning author, speaker, online teacher, and coach living in Chattanooga, TN. Her memoir, Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters is now a Lifetime television movie, Stolen By Their Father.

Lizbeth proudly served crime victims and offenders for 30 years in Alaska. Today, she is a sought-after speaker and host of the weekly podcast, Persistence U with Lizbeth. She also provides coaching for those grounded in grit who are ready to turn past challenges into superpowers rather than merely “get through them”.

Visit Lizbeth's website, lameredith.com, to find information about her books, coaching, podcast, and events.

Purchase Lizbeth's book, Pieces of Me: Rescuing My Kidnapped Daughters

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Episode 12: Are Inherited Mindsets Holding You Back?


Episode 10: Home Is Wherever We Are (RV Living)