Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Me and my South Broad neighbors, Mary Elizabeth and Julian Kaufman (right).
Not long after moving to Chattanooga, I met Julian and Mary Elizabeth Kaufman while walking my dog in our South Broad neighborhood. In no time, they loaded me in their SUV, showed me key sites around the city, and treated me to a meal at one of their favorite restaurants. A few weeks later, they offered me an even better invitation – an opportunity to join them and several of my South Broad neighbors for a multi-course, Italian dinner on the Kaufman’s rooftop patio.
Julian, who is half Italian, prepared the meal himself and the food, wine, and company were amazing. Feedback from attendees was so positive the Kaufmans decided to make the dinners a monthly event. I’ve been privileged to attend three and they’ve been a great way for me to get to know my neighbors and build friendships.
My interview with the Kaufmans will be featured in one of the first five episodes of the podcast, which launches November 1.